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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the best place to get information about the school?
A: The RHS homepage and refer to the Student Handbook under the tab "Students"
Q: How do I make an appointment with my Advisor or Counselor?
A: Email your advisor or counselor to set up a time to meet during office hours.
Q: Does Renaissance have an after-school program?
A: Students can take additional courses through Edgenuity on their own time. We do not have a confirmed after-school program but the District Extended Learning Department will coordinate with the school counselor if funding and interest is evident.

Q: How do I clear an absence?
A: Parent/guardian must call the Attendance Specialist at (831) 728-6344  ext. 5372.   Parents have 2 school days to excuse an absence. On day 3 the report automatically goes to the state and changes can no longer be made. The school does not offer a virtual option and students are required to attend daily in-person.
Q: How do I get a student ID card if I am new to RHS?
A: We take ID pictures & print ID cards during Entry. 
Q: I lost my ID Card, where can I get a replacement?
A: See Adriana in the office.
Q: How do I buy food in the cafeteria?
A: All school lunches and snacks are free for PVUSD Students.
Q: How do I get a bus pass?
A: See Adriana in the office.
Q: How do I find out which bus route to ride to school/home:
A: Pick up a Bus Route Schedule in the office or visit the "Transportation & Parking" page under the "About Us" Tab.   You can also visit the PVUSD Transportation website.
Q: When do buses leave after school?
A: Right after the final bell rings
Q: Does Renaissance have any late busses?
A: Not during the 2023-2024 school year.
Q: How can I get permission to drive to school?
A: Ask the office for a Student Vehicular Policy form and bring the necessary documentation. Students must be a licensed driver and vehicles must have the proper insurance to park on campus. Please keep in mind that the county has placed a limit on the number of vehicles that may be parked on the campus.
Q: How do I get a work permit?
A: Ask your counselor or advisor for a form and then see Robert Ehrlich to complete the process. Students who wish to obtain a work permit must not be below 80% attendance and be in good standing before the work permit is signed by the principal.
Q: How do I buy Renaissance Swag?
A: Contact your principal on how you can get some swag
Q: Who should I see if I have more questions?
A: Your advisor, counselor, teachers, administrators, office staff or fellow Dragons!